The General Election Commission (KPU) of West Java (Jabar) anticipates the occurrence of jockey practices during the 2024 election matching and research (coklit).

The head of the West Java KPU HR and R&D Division, said that if a match is found, the voter data updating officer (panterlih) is instructed to re-collite in his area of office. "What is certain is that if there is a jockey, his party asks for a re-cavity. The reason is that the bulk is a strategic activity that determines the success of the election," said the Head of the West Java KPU HR and Research Division, Suryatma Law, Sunday, March 5, confiscated by Antara. The re-coultite case will certainly be carried out in the area of one of the polling stations in Sukamenak Village, Sukarame District, Tasikmalaya Regency. In that place, it was proven that one of the reporters was replaced by his wife to carry out a cocklit.

Sementara untuk dugaan perjokian di Kabupaten Bandung, KPU Jawa Barat sedang melakukan penelusuran. Undang menuturkan ternyatakannya dugaan perjokian tersebut bermula dari laporan dari PPK pada 1 Maret 2023 lalu.KPU Jawa Barat melakukan klarifikasi kepada PPK Kec Sukarame, PPS Desa Sukamenak dan Pantarlih yang dimak.Hasil klarifikasi mendapat informasi bahwa Pettarlih terpilih tanggal pada 12 Februari 2023 karena mendapat panggilan untuk sebuah kasus di PTUN Jakarta."Dan yang bersangkutankan menyampaikan informasi kepada PPS.Kempat pelantikan pelantikan yang hadirtarkan dan bimtek adatek adalahnya," kata dia."Yang selanjutnya turut melakukan baklih baklih, karena panterlih terpih atau suami suami suaminya masih masih yang di PTUN, yang di kemudian halnya diketahui oleh PPS namunya namunya sudah menyarakan kepada PPK," lanjut dia. Setelah menyelesaikan kasusnya diberkan keberitas untuk baklit lagi dan yang bersangkutanya mulai melakukan baklit pada dicta dan memastikan pelangkan pelang kerja sesuai aturan," ujarnya.

The law regrets this because PPS did not report this and it did not justify any jockeying practices in its background. "Local PPS did not control the presence of pantreh when the inauguration then did not report the pantarih's wife doing aULTon and that was wrong and we have given a warning to the PPS," he said. The law hopes that it will not occur in other regions and in the future and for the UK itself it will end on March 14, 2023. "Every ten days we monitor in stages. March 14 there will be 12 days there will be 100 percent," he said.

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