One resident of Batu Merah, Sirimau District, Ambon City, suffered injuries in a house fire accident in the Batu Merah Kepala Air area, RT 004 RW 014. The fire was known to have originated from gasoline. "The injured victim is known to be Rudi (36) who is also the owner of the house," said Head of Public Relations of the Ambon Island Police and PP Lease, Iptu Moyo Utomo in Ambon, Sunday. Local residents then evacuated the victim to the Army Hospital dr. Latumeten Ambon due to burns on his left and right legs as well as back. According to him, the fire accident that happened to Rudi's house on Saturday night at around 17:15 WIT was allegedly due to a gas spill in the kitchen and ignited a fire from a stove in a burning state. Police who went down to the scene of the incident conducted an examination and collected information of a number of witnesses as well as evidence, including asking the victim as the owner of the house. "Rudi explained that the incident started from himself while pouring gasoline from jerrygen into the bottle but someone was scattered into the floor and then trying to dig his floor," explained Moyo Utomo. Suddenly the witness saw the flames coming from the stove, so he tried to save his wife and child who were temporarily in the room through the window and he also got out through the window. through the window and he was also injured, Rudy still had time to try to save his family who was in the room to get out through the window, "he said.

Meanwhile, the victim's wife, Siani Abidin (26), said that at that time the stove in the kitchen was on because she was cooking hot water. A disaster like this has also occurred in Nusaniwe District (Ambon City) late last year due to the owner of the house pouring gasoline into the bottle and its position was adjacent to the stove which was temporarily turned on.

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