BENGKULU - Bengkulu City Resort Police (Polresta) officers investigated the damage to the construction of the 'Tuo City' tourist building located at Bengkulu Market, Sungai Serut District. The Head of Operations for the Bengkulu Police, Kompol Jupri, said the investigation was carried out to determine the cause of the damage to the Tuo City building. "We are conducting an investigation to ensure this is happening, because it is currently still in the process of being investigated and in the near future a number of people will be examined," he said at the Bengkulu Police Headquarters, Antara, Thursday, March 2. Previously, the Bengkulu City Regional People's Representative Council (DPRD) asked law enforcement officials to carry out investigations and investigations related to damage to the construction of tourist buildings in the 'Tuo City'. Chairman of Commission II of the Bengkulu City DPRD Nuzuludin said that the damage to the construction of the building was allegedly caused by an error in the development and was not caused by nature. With this incident, his party will summon relevant regional apparatus organizations (OPD) such as the Bengkulu City Public Works Office to find out technically the cause of the damage to the building. In addition, the summons is also to find out how much the total Regional Budget (APBD) and APBN funds to carry out development in the tourist area of 'Tuo City'. It is known that the Bengkulu City Government has budgeted Rp35 billion for the second phase of the Tuo City tourism development. Deputy Mayor of Bengkulu Dedy Wahyudi in Bengkulu said that the second phase of the Tuo City tourism development was carried out in 2022. "Kita kembali melanjutkan pembangunan Kota Tuo tahap dua dengan anggaran yang digunakan sekitar Rp35 miliar," ujarnya. The Rp35 billion budget is to build around the river flow, revitalize the Old Mosque of Bengkulu Market and Bengkulu stage houses.

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