JAKARTA - The Corruption Eradication Commission (KPK) wants strict sanctions for officials who neglect to submit the State Administrators Wealth Report (LHKPN).

Moreover, Law Number 28 of 1999 concerning Corruption-Free State Organizers and KKN only mentions administrative sanctions and this makes them excited.

"If we hope that from (the law, ed) in 1999, the sanctions should not only be administrative, we are also nervous," said KPK Deputy Prevention and Monitoring Pahala Nainggolan, quoted from the Indonesian KPK YouTube, Thursday, March 2.

Pahala said, so far the space for the anti-corruption commission has been limited because every wealth report submitted will be submitted to the inspectorate general or the head of each ministry.

"So far, everything has been only administrative and submitted to its leadership and the problem is that the leadership is not interested in LHKPN," he said.

"Yes, people who openly say 'I didn't report anything', the one who reported it was not true, there were no sanctions because it was not regulated by us," continued Pahala.

Previously, the LHKPN of state administrators was in the spotlight after former Ministry of Finance (Kemenkeu) official Rafael Alun Trisambodo had assets of IDR 56 billion. This amount defeated the assets of the Director General of Taxes Suryo Utomo of around IDR 14 billion, who is Rafael's superior.

In fact, Rafael's total assets were only narrowly lost to the assets of Finance Minister Sri Mulyani amounting to Rp58 billion out of a total of Rp67.2 billion deducted from debt.

As for Rafael's spotlight, there was a case of abuse involving Rafael's son, Mario Dandi Satrio. As a result of his actions, David Ozora, who was a victim of the action, suffered a serious head injury and was treated at Mayapada Hospital, Kuningan, Jakarta.

Currently, Rafael has been clarified about his assets by the KPK. The LHKPN Directorate investigated Rafael's assets, including housing owned by his wife in North Minahasa and houses in Yogyakarta.

It didn't stop there, Mario's Rubicon car, which is often exhibited, was also investigated by the KPK. Likewise with Harley Davidson, which turns out to have no license plate.

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