YOGYAKARTA - Viktor Laiskodat, the Governor of NTT, is in the public spotlight after implementing the school entry policy at 05.00 WITA. This policy was also opposed by many parties. In addition to this policy, there is still some controversy between the Governor of NTT.

Viktor imposed a school policy at 05.00 WITA for High School (SMA) starting February 27, 2023. The Ministry of Education, Culture, Research and Technology (Kemendikbud Ristek) immediately responded to review the policy.

The Ministry of Education and Culture, Research and Technology, said that it continues to coordinate with various NTT regional government agencies on school policies at 5 am. Many parties consider that the policy is too excessive and not through careful consideration.

It turns out that this is not the first time Viktor Laiskodat has caused controversy. Since serving as Governor, Viktor is known to often carry out controversy. Here are a number of controversies from Viktor Laiksodat.

Viktor Laiskodat requires high school and vocational school students in the Kupang City area to start learning at 05.00 WITA. Viktor stated that these efforts were made to prepare students to penetrate state universities or official schools.

In addition, Viktor also said that the policy aims to build work ethic and so that there are no additional study groups. Viktor wants students to learn to be more disciplined.

"If the junior high school level is not allowed. Because they still haven't. Meanwhile, for the high school level, you go to bed starting at 10. Bangun at 4. It's 6 hours asleep. 4 o'clock, you wake up, shower for half an hour, half an hour to travel in this city, right? 30 minutes until school," Viktor said in a video recording.

Badminton Lusi, Head of the NTT Education and Culture Office, revealed that the policy had been implemented at SMA Negeri 6 Kupang and had gone well.

Viktor has also issued a circular (SE) containing an appeal for residents to walk while undergoing daily activities. The circular is known to have been issued since November 7, 2022. However, there are no sanctions for those who do not carry out the appeal.

In addition, Viktor also appealed to the public to ride bicycles and public transportation. The NTT government said that the purpose of the appeal was to control regional inflation. This step can also save fuel oil and be more environmentally friendly.

Viktor Laiskodat has also threatened to impose a cut-off sentence for illegal logging perpetrators. The statement was made on November 27, 2022, responding to the many illegal logging measures.

"I ask the authorities to take firm action, if the governor can, he will cut off his hand," said Viktor Laiskodat.

Viktor Laiskodat has also made controversial remarks about Indonesian migrant workers (TKI). Viktor said that people who work abroad illegally, if they die, they will be buried there.

"It's illegal for migrants, if he dies there, we'll just be ready to bury him, what else can we do? We don't know where it's illegal," Viktor said on November 27, 2022, when he launched Cendana village, in Bolok, Kupang Regency.

Viktor Laiskodat also made a controversial statement regarding the state civil apparatus (ASN) on January 7, 2019. Viktor said that undisciplined ASNs must wear orange vests.

"Because with our aspirations to build and especially bring poverty to 12 percent, even 8 percent of 21 percent, then we have no other choice, but we have to work with discipline. So those who are not disciplined must wear orange vests," said Viktor Laiskodat.

Those are the reviews of some of NTT Governor Viktor Laiskodat's controversies. Viktor has often made controversial statements. His latest policy regarding school attendance at 5 am is currently being reviewed by the Ministry of Education and Culture, Research and Technology, so that he can get the most appropriate decision.

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