The Garut Regency Government (Pemkab) has designated the diphtheria outbreak as an extraordinary event (KLB). Following up, the Garut Health Service (Dikes) has injected 1,176 people with the Pangatikan District.

Secretary of the Garut Health Office Leli Yuliani said vaccination was an effort to prevent and treat those who had tested positive for the diphtheria.

"Daily reports resulting from ORI (Outbreak Response Immunization) activities in Pangatikan District, Garut Regency to February 28, 2023, totaling 1,176 people," said Leli in Garut, West Java, Wednesday, March 1, quoted by Antara.

He said that the Garut Health Office carried out mass diphtheria vaccinations with a vaccination target of 11,228 people.

As for the details of the age of 2 to 59 months, 3,565 people, then 1,245 people aged 5 to 7 years, and 6,418 people aged 7 to 15 years.

The results of the provisional achievement for vaccination for 2 months to 59 months of age are only 10.5 percent or as many as 376 people, then vaccination for ages 5 to 7 years of 11.4 percent or as many as 142 people, and vaccination targets for ages 7 to 15 years of 10.3 percent or as many as 658 people.

Leli said that the outbreak of the diphtheria that has become a KLB in Garut must get serious action. Mainly people who are infected with the diphtheria in Pangatikan District.

Leli explained that there were 10 positive cases of diphtheria in Garut. A total of 4 people were hospitalized, 3 were self-isolated at home because they were asymptomatic, and 3 had returned from the hospital.

"Two are being treated, one isoman is stable, three have returned from the hospital and eight children have died," he said.

In addition to vaccination, Leli said that his party also continues to disseminate information to the public regarding the dangers of the diphteri, if they experience symptoms of the diphtheria, they should immediately be examined in order to get health treatment.

"If it is severe, it can cause infection in the heart muscle, myocarditis, because the differi emits bacteria, the diffinary secretes a poison that can later be the heaviest is to cause infection in the heart muscle," he said.

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