The Central Bengkulu District Attorney's (Kejari) investigative team conducted searches and examinations at the office of the Central Bengkulu Regency Regional Development Planning Agency (Bappeda) related to corruption cases. The search was carried out to collect evidence for the purposes of investigating the alleged corruption of the 2014 Spatial Planning (RDTR) activities. "It is true that there were searches and documents for investigation purposes at the Central Bengkulu Bappeda office," said Head of Central Bengkulu Intel Kajari Marjek Ravilo accompanied by Head of Pidsus Bobby Muhammad Ali Akbar quoted by ANTARA, Wednesday, March 1.

For the provisional results of the examination of the case, there are indications of the same corruption as the 2013 RDTR case, namely borrowing the company's name. "Currently we are asking for expert witnesses and it turns out that the expert witnesses do not know about the 2014 RDTR activities," explained Marjek.

It is known that in this case, it was found that the use of the regional budget of Rp. 325 million and in the advance payment procedure to the termination of the contract was not in accordance with procedures and regulations. Because the payment did not comply with the procedure because first the goods inspector never checked the goods at all.

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