JAKARTA - Three days have passed, the fire incident in a densely populated residential area in the South Petojo area, Gambir District, Central Jakarta. However, some residents are still seen scavenging the remains of the fire around their house to collect pieces of iron and nails. For what?

"To find cigarettes, it's quite a gathering little by little for the kiloan to sell," said M Suaidi, a resident of the former fire victim to VOI, Wednesday, March 1.

Suadi said the fire that hit his house eliminated all his belongings in an instant.

He only managed to save important documents and his bajaj vehicle which was used to make a living.

"Hopefully it can be built again for a place to live, because all the children are still here. (residential place) is mainly. There are 5 children, 2 of whom have been released from me," he said.

The fire scorched more than 50 semi-permanent houses belonging to residents on Jalan Abdul Muis, RT 03/03, South Petojo Village, Gambir District, Central Jakarta. The incident was caused by a gas stove belonging to residents who forgot to turn it off.

The big fire was extinguished on Monday, February 27, early in the morning at 01.18 WIB. The fire was extinguished by 28 fire engines with 111 personnel.

"The obstacle in extinguishing the fire was due to narrow road access. The burned location was 5000 square meters due to the gas stove that forgot to turn off," said Head of Central Jakarta Gulkarmat Sub-dept. Asril Rizal, Monday, February 27.

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