JAKARTA - The Corruption Eradication Commission (KPK) reminds honest officials to submit reports on the assets of state administrators (LHKPN). Reporting of these assets can affect their careers.

"The results of the LHKPN examination analysis are also used as supporting assessment instruments in the promotion of positions in ministries, institutions, and local governments," said KPK Deputy Chair Nurul Ghufron in a written statement, Wednesday, March 1.

With this effort, the KPK hopes that officials are afraid and do not want corruption. Moreover, said Ghufron, assets that do not match the profile will be analyzed and confirmed by the reporter.

"And if it cannot be explained and proven, it can be used as a basis for law enforcement either by the KPK if it is an area of the authority of the KPK or by coordinating with the competent authorities," he said.

Furthermore, the KPK has also carried out various ways to get officials to report their wealth. One of them is through education and outreach.

Ghufron said the anti-corruption commission often urges reporting obligations to comply with and fill in data factually. "That way the management of LHKPN at the KPK has included the three strategies in the trident of eradicating corruption," he said.

Previously, the wealth of former Ministry of Finance (Kemenkeu) official Rafael Alun Trisambodo was in the spotlight after his son, Mario Dandy Satrio, abused 17-year-old David. The video of the persecution circulated widely on social media and caused chaos.

As a result, a number of Mario videos that spread their wealth in the form of luxury motorbikes have become the spotlight of netizens. Not only that, the public also highlighted the ownership of the Rubicon car used when the persecution took place.

It was later revealed that Rafael had a wealth of Rp56 billion in the State Administrators Wealth Report (LHKPN).

This figure exceeds that of the Director General of Taxes Suryo Utomo of around Rp. 14 billion, who is Rafael's superior. Not arriving there, Rafael's assets only narrowly lost to Finance Minister Sri Mulyani of Rp. 58 billion from the total assets of Rp. 67.2 billion minus debt.

Furthermore, the KPK confirmed that it would summon Rafael on Wednesday, March 1. The assets registered at the LHKPN will be clarified.

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