BANDAR LAMPUNG - The General Election Commission (KPU) of Bandar Lampung decided to disqualify the candidate pair for Mayor-Deputy Mayor of Bandar Lampung serial number 03 Eva Dwiana-Deddy Amarullah as participants in the 2020 Pilkada.

"The decision was taken as a follow-up to the decision of the Lampung Bawaslu which disqualified the candidate pair number 03 at a structured, systematic and massive administrative session on Wednesday (6/1)," said Bandar Lampung KPU chairman Dedi Triyadi as quoted by Antara, Friday, January 8.

He said the steps taken to follow up on the decision of the Lampung Bawaslu were carried out after consulting with the Lampung Provincial KPU and the RI KPU by virtual and by sending letters.

In its decision, the Indonesian KPU ordered the Bandar Lampung KPU to cancel Eva-Dedy as a candidate pair as per the structured, systematic, massive (TSM) court decision by the Lampung Province Bawaslu.

"This is based on a decree from the Indonesian KPU number 16 / Py.02.1-SD / 03 / KPU / 1/2021," he said.

Dedi said that the Bandar Lampung KPU in this position only carried out the Bawaslu decision based on Law (UU) 10 of 2016 Article 135 A paragraph 4 which requires that the Bawaslu decision be followed up.

In the plenary meeting of this decision, all Bandarlampung KPU commissioners agreed to cancel the participation of candidate pair number 03 in the 2020 Pilkada as it is known that the Bawaslu decision ordered us to disqualify Eva-Deddy, "he said.

Dedi emphasized that since Friday, January 8, the Eva-Deddy candidate pair had been canceled as a candidate pair for Mayor and Deputy Mayor of Bandarlampung based on Law no. 10 of 2016. The decision is stated in KPU Decree Number 007 / HK.03.1-KPT / 1871 / KPU-Kot / I / 2021.

"The parties can file a legal action against the lawsuit to the Supreme Court (MA) no later than Tuesday (12/1)," he said.

In the 9 December 2020 Pilkada, the KPU based on the results of the recapitulation of the mayor and deputy mayor elections to determine candidate pair number 03 Eva Dwiana-Deddy Amarullah, who was supported by PDIP, NasDem and Gerindra, won with 249,241 votes.

Then, candidate pair number 02 M Yusuf Kohar-Tulus Purnomo supported by the Democrat Party, PAN, PKB, Perindo and PPP won 93,280 votes.

Candidate pair number 01 Rycko Menoza-Johan Sulaiman supported by the Golkar Party and PKS received 92,428 votes.

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