The Warunggunung Police of the Lebak Police responded quickly to reports from residents by visiting the location where the body of a man whose identity has not been identified in East Sampay Village, Sukalow Village, Warunggunung District, Lebak Regency.

Kapolsek Warunggunung AKP R Ampri explained the chronology of the discovery of the corpse.

"According to information, the witness, namely Holik, explained that at around 07.00 am the witness was walking past the crime scene, accidentally looking at the hut there was a man lying covered in blood and suspected of having died. The witness quickly informed the closest residents and reported it to the Warung Gunung Police," Ampri said in a written statement, Tuesday, February 28.

"After we checked the location where the body was found, it turned out that the identity of the body was not yet known, but had the characteristics of a short gray hair, the ears contained a mole, carrying a waist-binding sarong, wearing black trousers, a flower patterned shirt, and carrying a small bicycle and black plastic packages," said Ampri without explaining the cause of death.

After being identified, the medical officer took the victim's body to the hospital for a post-mortem.

"He has been taken to the Adjidarmo General Hospital for follow-up and treatment," concluded Ampri.

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