JAKARTA - Shane's attorney, Happy SP Sihombing, gave a statement that contradicted the South Jakarta Metro Police Chief, Kombes Ade Ary regarding the video recorder of the persecution by Mario Dandy Satrio against David.

Happy said at the South Jakarta Metro Police, when the incident occurred witness Agnes also recorded the video. Happy revealed it after he met Shane at the South Jakarta Metro Police.

"Yes, it's true that AG recorded (violence-ed video)," Happy told reporters at the South Jakarta Metro Police, Tuesday, February 28.

He also mentioned that AG did not help David. Instead, said Happy, Shane who helped David.

"That's the story, (Shane) or not. The one who helped was Shane," he said as he left reporters.

Shane's attorney contradicts the statement by the South Jakarta Metro Police Chief Kombes Ade Ary Syam Indradi during a press conference on Friday, February 24. Kombes Ade Ary said that from the results of the AG examination, it was said that he helped by placing David's head on his lap after receiving persecution from Mario Dandy.

The rescue was carried out by AG on the orders of the witness with the initials N who is the parent of David's colleague.

"Witness sister N who helped the victim told AG witness' child to put the victim's child's head on his lap, the lap of AG's witness's child," Ade told reporters, Friday, February 24.

David's head was lifted to the lap of AG so that no bleeding entered through the nose. The goal is to keep David breathing well.

However, the moment was documented by the suspect Shean. So, it's as if AG took a selfie with David who was helpless.

"That's when all of the activities were documented by suspect S using the suspect's cellphone MDS," said Ade.

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