JAKARTA - Indonesia Polling Stations (IPS) revealed that West Java Governor Ridwan Kamil is suitable as a vice presidential candidate (cawapres) in the 2024 presidential election. His name appeared in the results of the top of mind without a list of names of 1,200 respondents.
"As many as 13.5 percent of respondents declared Ridwan Kamil the most appropriate figure to become the next vice president of the Republic of Indonesia," said IPS Senior Researcher Alfin Sugianto when delivering the survey results in Jakarta, Tuesday, February 28.
Alfin said that Ridwan was considered suitable as vice president rather than the Governor of Central Java Ganjar Pranowo, Minister of SOEs Erick Thohir, Menparekraf Sandiaga Uno, former Governor of DKI Jakarta Anies Baswedan, and Chairman of the Democratic Party Agus Harimurti Yudhoyono (AHY).
IPS also asked the right vice presidential figure with a closed pattern accompanied by a list of names. As a result, Ridwan's name was again in the top position.
"As many as 21.8 percent of respondents declared Ridwan Kamil the most appropriate person to become vice president," he said.
Next, this survey institute simulated the presidential and vice presidential candidates. As a result, Ridwan turned out to be superior if he was paired with Ganjar Pranowo and Anies Baswedan.
When paired with Ganjar, the number of respondents who chose the former Mayor of Bandung was chosen by 22.4 percent of respondents. This figure, said Alfin, is much higher than Sandiaga Uno with 16.2 percent and Erick Thohir with 13.5 percent.
"Ridwan Kamil is considered by the public as the most suitable figure to be Ganjar Pranowo's vice presidential candidate in the 2024 election," he said.
Meanwhile, when paired with Anies, Ridwan's name received 21.3 percent support. He competed with Sandiaga Uno who was chosen by 19.2 percent of respondents.
"In addition to being considered suitable in pairs with Ganjar Pranowo, it turns out that Ridwan Kamil and Sandiaga Uno are also considered to be companions to Anies Baswedan," explained Alfin.
For information, IPS conducted a survey on February 15-24. The survey took place in 34 provinces in Indonesia with respondents aged 17 years and over.
The sample was taken probabilities and multistage random sampling techniques. The margin of error for this IPS survey is approximately 2.83 percent and the confidence level is 95 percent.
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