MANOKWARI - The Indonesian Mosque Council (DMI) of Manokwari Regency, West Papua, emphasized that it would not give permission to use the mosque for political activities.

"Absolutely not. The pulpit is only used to convey the word of God," said DMI Manokwari Regional Leader Zainal Hasanudin in Manokwari, Antara, Monday, February 27.

He explained that the ban on the use of mosques in various political activities is regulated by DMI's basic rules. Because, the mosque is a house of worship for Muslims in carrying out worship to Allah SWT.

"If you want to do politics, go ahead, but not in the mosque," he said.

In addition to the ban on the use of pulpits, he said, DMI does not allow political parties to display party attributes throughout the mosque area.

His party has coordinated with all mosque administrators in the Manokwari area to optimize supervision ahead of the 2024 Simultaneous Elections.

"We have coordinated with approximately 100 mosques, don't have party attributes attached to mosque locations," he said.

He suggested that political parties should not mix political affairs with religion so that the holding of elections can run safely, peacefully, and in an orderly manner.

Political parties must also comply with the ban on the use of places of worship issued by religious institutions.

"If you mix it, it doesn't become worship, instead there are fights between people who have different preferences," he said.

According to him the safety and comfort of the community is the most priority in social life.

Thus, the entire community is responsible for maintaining harmony and tolerance among religious adherents in the local area.

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