JAKARTA - The defendant in a drug case, Inspector General Teddy Minahasa, used the terms 'invoice, gallon and basic necessities as a substitute for the word methamphetamine to the defendant Linda in a drug trafficking case. "So the term'sembako', the term 'invoice' is from the defendant. 'Galon' is also from the defendant," said Linda while testifying at the West Jakarta District Court (PN), as reported by Antara, Monday, February 27. Linda admitted that this term was often used by Teddy while communicating about the delivery of methamphetamine from West Sumatra (West Sumatra) to DKI Jakarta. Linda also admitted that she used this term to her accomplices when selling Teddy's methamphetamine in Jakarta. One example was when Linda informed the former Kalibaru Police Chief, Kompol Kasranto, to take one kilogram of crystal methamphetamine from his house. "I said 'Mas, there are basic necessities from Padang that have come', I said," said Linda when repeating the conversation with Kasranto at the time. The prosecutor again asked about the intensity of the methamphetamine transaction between the defendant Teddy Minahasa and Linda. "This is a term 'galon', 'invoice','sembako' feels familiar with the defendant's term. Has this defendant previously made a request to you for the same thing so that these terms are used?," asked the prosecutor back to Linda. "Never," replied Linda briefly. Polda Metro Jaya stated that Teddy Minahasa had ordered his subordinates to set aside evidence of methamphetamine from the results of the disclosure of the case to be circulated. The Bukittinggi Police initially wanted to destroy 40 kilograms of crystal methamphetamine, but Inspector General Teddy Minahasa allegedly ordered to exchange five kilograms of crystal methamphetamine for tawas. The embezzlement of drug evidence was finally uncovered by a series of disclosures of narcotics cases by the Central Jakarta Metro Police and Polda Metro Jaya. A total of 1.7 kilograms of crystal methamphetamine has been circulated, while the remaining 3.3 kilograms have been confiscated by officers. The articles suspected of Teddy, namely Article 114 Paragraph 3 sub-Article 112 Paragraph 2 Jo Article 132 Paragraph 1 Jo Article 55 Law Number 35 Year 2009 with a maximum threat of the death penalty and a minimum of 20 years in prison.

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