TANGERANG - A total of 25 houses in Villa Tomang Baru Housing RT/RW 01/017, Gelam Jaya Village, Pasar Kemis District, Tangerang Regency, Banten, were flooded due to heavy rains which caused the water to overflow.

"The flooding at the location was caused by the overflow of Ranca Gelam and Kali Cirrab. The number of affected residents was approximately 50 people or 25 families (KK)," said Head of the Tangerang Regency Regional Disaster Management Agency (BPBD), Ujat Sudrajat, quoted by ANTARA, Monday 27 February.

According to him, some of the residents affected by the flood took refuge in the nearest prayer room and some of the residents remained in their respective homes.

"There are some residents who have fled in the nearby prayer room for 10 people, some of them are active as usual, such as work, school, and business," he said.

Based on data compiled by his party until Sunday night, a number of sub-districts in Tangerang Regency were flooded, including in Teluk Naga, Kosambi, and Pasar Kemis.

In addition to flood disasters, he said, the Tangerang BPBD received reports of landslides that hit eight houses in Carenang Village, Cisoka District.

"The location affected by the landslide in Selapajang Village, RT01/01, which was caused by rainfall and high currents of the Cidurian River. There are 8 houses that experienced landslides this afternoon which are still being handled by officers," he added.

Then his party also received reports of fallen trees that occurred in five locations, such as in the Districts of Kronjo, Cikupa, Tigaraksa, Mauk, and Pasar Kemis.

"The fallen tree incident has been handled, yesterday until it closed the road and immediately cleaned and cut tree branches," he said.

He appealed to the people in Tangerang Regency to remain aware of the threat of strong winds and high rain intensity during their activities.

"Stay careful in your activities, because of the current weather anomaly," he said.

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