A total of 38,146 Bekasi Regency residents spread across 11 sub-districts were affected by flooding due to high-intensity rain that fell since last weekend.

Head of the Bekasi Regency Regional Disaster Management Agency (BPBD) Muchlis said his party had made a number of efforts to deal with residents affected by the flood.

"The number of affected people is 38,146 and 9,537 families have been affected," said Muchlis in Cikarang, Bekasi Regency, West Java, Monday, February 27, as reported by Antara.

He said the needs of residents affected by the flood included rubber boats, emergency tents, logistics or public kitchens, as well as medical or medicines. So far, his party has continued to collect data, evacuate, as well as provide logistical assistance.

"In addition, establishing an age kitchen with the Bekasi Regency Social Service and coordinating with the Health Office (Dinkes) and the puskesmas," he said.

His party also received assistance from flood management personnel from across sectors including SAR Brimob, PMI, health center medical team, and Public Safety Center 119.

"The medical team has established health posts in several areas, such as the Babelan District Hall and the Sukadarma Village Hall, Sukatani," he said.

Floods in Bekasi Regency spread to 73 points spread across 11 sub-districts from the original nine sub-districts affected by 42 flood points.

The flood-affected areas include Karang Bahagia District with a water level of 50-70 centimeters, Babelan 30-40 centimeters, Sukatani 30-65 centimeters, and North Cikarang District as high as 30-70 centimeters.

Then Sukakarya District as high as 50-60 centimeters, North Tambun 20-40 centimeters, Kedungwaringin 10-20 centimeters, Tambelang 30-40 centimeters, Tarumajaya, 30-70 centimeters, Sukawangi 40-60 centimeters and East Cikarang District which began to gradually recede.

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