MAKASSAR - Makassar Police Headquarters officers together with TNI units seized hundreds of motorcycles using brong exhausts and incomplete motor vehicle certificates during a raid in the Central Point of Indonesia (CPI) reclamation area, Metro Tanjung Street, Makassar, South Sulawesi.

"We carried out a raid at the exit of the CPI and we found approximately a hundred motorbikes", said Head of Operations Section of the Makassar Polrestabes AKBP Darminto, reported by ANTARA, Sunday, February 26.

Brong exhaust is a non-standard exhaust because it doesn't use a tube or partition, so there are no parts that function to break up sound or to keep the noise down.

Darminto stated that non-standard vehicles, using brong exhaust, modified motorbike conditions for illegal racing, including not having and carrying STNK and SIM were immediately confiscated by officers.

"It was found that there were three passengers, using brong exhaust and the physical equipment and vehicle certificates were not available", said Darminto emphasized.

The raid, he said, was not just this time, but was carried out routinely to create a situation of Public Security and Order (Kamtibmas) in the city area so that it was conducive to carrying out patrols.

In addition, this enforcement effort was carried out following the rampant gambling of illegal races in several locations which was often carried out by youths, even to the point of being reckless to the point of disturbing road users.

"So we secured it and took it to the Polrestabes office. At Polrestabes we handed it over to the traffic function to do a ticket", he said.

Previously, Makassar Police Chief Kombes Budhi Hartanto emphasized that he would take firm action against criminals, including vehicles that disturb public order, such as using brong exhaust, racing modifications and so on.

In addition, raids on vehicles that violate the provisions continue to be carried out, including ensuring safety and comfort for the public ahead of and entering the holy month of Ramadan this year.

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