JAKARTA - Minister of State-Owned Enterprises or BUMN, Erick Thohir expressed his gratitude for the trust given to BUMN in supporting the 2023 F1 Powerboat event in Lake Toba.

"It is an honor for SOEs to be able to contribute to encouraging local tourism," said Erick Thohir, Saturday, February 25.

Erick Thohir who is also the chairman of PSSI, an international sports event in the class of F1H2O needs to be maintained so that it can truly become a source of attraction for national tourism. Especially Lake Toba, which is designated as a Super Priority Tourism Destination (DPSP).

In line with Erick Thohir, the Chairman of the Indonesian House of Representatives, Puan Maharani, also believes that Indonesia's image as a leading tourist destination will increase with a large international event.

"My presence at F1H2O is to ensure events that can encourage tourism growth to run according to good standards," said Puan.

It should be noted that the Lake Toba 2023 F1 Powerboat competition event was held in collaboration with various parties, including SOEs.

Some of the SOEs involved include the InJourney Tourism BUMN Holding, and the State Electricity Company (PLN), as well as Pertamina. InJourney ensures that supporting infrastructure can be ready to be used before the competition is held. PLN strengthens the reliability of electricity in North Sumatra.

Pertamina through Pertamina Patra Niaga Regional Sumbagut sent Avgas to Blate, Toba Regency and ensured that fuel supply was safe in North Sumatra.

FIH2O is a Powerboat World Championship organized by Union Internationale Motonautique and sponsored by H2O, so it is often referred to as F2H20.

This championship is the highest class in the Powerboat race which also bears the name F1 like a car race.

This time is the first international level Powerboat race to be held in Indonesia.

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