Central Java Governor Ganjar Pranowo hopes that political parties will contribute to maintaining the spirit of nationality encouraged by the nation's founders. Ahead of the 2024 General Election, political parties must be able to maintain conduciveness.

This was conveyed by Ganjar after attending the Workshop and National Mandate Party Coordination Meeting at the Padma Hotel, Semarang, Sunday, February 26.

"In my opinion, we must have a contribution from any party to build the nation," said Ganjar at Lanumad A Yani Semarang, after releasing President Joko Widodo to fly back to Jakarta.

This is in line with the history of the nation he found during his visit to Surabaya last week. Ganjar tells the story of the journey of four youths under the tutelage of HOS Cokroaminoto who later developed with four ideologies but had the same goal, namely Indonesian independence.

"So I tell you, how is the big dream of this nation through the President to build the nation's capital not only for displacement but how to change the mindset," he said.

The change in mindset, Ganjar continued, includes the issue of technological transformation that will present a new civilization. This challenge will be faced by the next generation of nations to be able to fill and contribute.

Ganjar said, IKN is a big project that can be used as an example for the nation's children to show its contribution. This is in line with the ideas of the founding fathers of the nation who aspire to Indonesia as a developed country in the future.

"We must transmit this to political parties to be able to negotiate, to be able to maintain conduciveness, to have a national political attitude which will later lead to the success of the election process for the big 2024 democratic party," he said.

President Joko Widodo, who was present on the occasion, talked about the changes that will occur in Indonesia welcoming the future.

Among them are the efforts of the Indonesian nation to stop exporting natural resources in raw form. President Jokowi also said that the development of IKN must be continued and need the same vision and support from political parties.

Apart from President Joko Widodo, Minister of State Secretary Pratikno, Minister of SOEs Erick Thohir, General Chairperson of PAN and Minister of Trade Zulkifli Hasan, Deputy Chairperson of PAN and Deputy Chairman of the MPR Yandri Susanto and Secretary General of PAN Edy Soeparno. The event was attended by around 2,000 PAN cadres from all over Indonesia.

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