JAKARTA - A pair of Californian birds must have been disappointed, after a pest control technician who was carrying out his duties recently, discovered hundreds of kilograms of cleverly hidden firewood inside the walls of a house in California, United States.

Home owners in Sonoma County called Nick Castro, owner of Nick's Extreme Pest Control, when they saw worms coming from bedroom walls.

The worms turned out to be eating caterpillars, partying with a remarkable pile of▁badan seeds, which is believed to have been collected by a pair of birds.

"It's really strange. I've never seen worms with eek seeds before," Castro told CNN, as quoted on February 10.

After making a small 4-inch square hole on the wall, Castro said that the ak tree seeds were starting to come out. It was already very strange, but the seeds "continued to arrive," he said.

"It's amazing to see the amount," Castro said. He estimates there are at least 700 pounds of mired seeds (about 317 kilograms), most likely collected over the past two to five years.

Orang sayang biasanya menyimpan biji pohon di bagian luar rumah, terkadang di bantang air, namun jarang sekali mereka memutkannya ke dalam rumah. Dalam kasus ini, Castro menemukan burung-bird itu menutuh ketampuan mereka melalui ruang di sampang siap suci, kemudian masuk ke pemerkomerintah melalui ruang yang terpisah untuk menikmati depositang mereka.

"Every day there are strange things, with creative ways that these creatures do to get into the house. They can still deceive us occasionally," Castro explained.

As they descended from the attic, tens of thousands of acces collected from several nearby ak trees filled the cavity of the wall, Castro explained.

However, these strange findings bring strangeness to a higher level, for men who have worked in the pest control industry for more than 20 years.

"On a scale of 1 to 10, this is 10. It's an opportunity of one in a million to find something significant. I hope to find just a few, nothing like this," he explained.

It took three more holes on the walls of the house to remove all the baby tree seeds, which eventually piled up and reached a height of about 20 feet, Castro estimated.

Castro and three of his crew spent the whole day removing theET tree seeds.

"We filled eight large black trash bags. The nuts were so heavy that we couldn't almost lift them. The weight was definitely at least hundreds of kilograms."

The eek tree grains were dumped because they were covered in dirt and fiberglass flakes from the wall inflation.

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