JAKARTA - Victim David was ordered push-ups 50 times and made a curt attitude before being persecuted by perpetrator Mario Dandy Satrio (MDS) at the location of the Pesanggrahan area case, Monday, February 20 at around 20.30 WIB. This was conveyed by the South Jakarta Metro Police Chief Kombes Ade Ary Syam Indradi during a press conference at the South Jakarta Police Headquarters, Friday, February 24. While in this push-up position, MDS asked one of his colleagues Shane or S (19) to record using his cellphone. When asked for a push-up 20 times, the victim David could not afford it because he could only afford 20 times. MDS then asked S to exemplify his attitude of relative (subjud with his knees, head as the focus and hands of the feet such as resting at the waist). The violence was carried out by the suspect MDS by stepping on the head, kicking the stomach and hitting the head when the victim was in that position recorded by S. Shortly after, D's friend's parents who knew about the abuse immediately helped the victim and finally contacted the security officer to be taken to the Medika Pertama Hijau Hospital. "Then the security guard contacted the Pesanggrahan Police, securing the two suspects and witness AG," he said. The police have named MDS and S as suspects and detained for alleged cases of violence against the victim. Then based on the two pieces of evidence confiscated by the police, the suspect is suspected of committing acts of allowing violence against D. For his actions, suspect S was caught in Article 76C Juncto Article 80 of Law Number 35 of 2014 concerning Amendments to Law 23 of 2002 concerning Child Protection. The perpetrator is threatened with a maximum imprisonment of 5 (five) years. The persecution took place on Monday night at 20.30 WIB. The police have asked for the statements of five witnesses, namely SL, R, M, AGH and the victim's uncle. The police also secured a number of evidences, such as two cell phones, a pair of shoes belonging to the suspect, the victim's clothes and a unit of a Rubicon branded car along with a police number plate and STNK.

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