JAKARTA - Special Staff to the Minister of Finance (Menkeu) Yustinus Prastowo responded positively to reject Rafael Alun Trisambodo's resignation from the status of the state civil apparatus (ASN) of the Directorate General of Taxes (DJP).

The suggestion was conveyed by former investigator of the Corruption Eradication Commission (KPK) Yudi Purnomo Harahap which Prasto also replied via Twitter. The recommendation is so that the internal Directorate General of Taxes of the Ministry of Finance can move freely to comb through the alleged fat account of Rafael.

"Of course we will study this letter from the perspective of personnel provisions. Including the consequences incurred. Thank you @yudiharahap46," Prasto wrote on his Twitter account, @prastow, Friday, February 24.

Previously, Yudi recommended that the Ministry of Finance (Kemenkeu) refuse Rafael's resignation proposal as an ASN. Rafael said he resigned from ASN after Minister of Finance Sri Mulyani removed him from the position of Head of the General Section of the Directorate General of Taxes at the Ministry of Finance, Regional Office of South Jakarta II on Friday, February 24.

"My advice is not to accept his resignation, Mas @prastow because it can be used as an excuse for the Inspector General not being able to investigate it because it is no longer an ASN. Even though law enforcers can still investigate because of the tempus delicti when they were ASN, the first door for investigation, in my opinion, is still an inspectorate," said Yudi via his Twitter account, @yudiharahap46, Friday 24 February.

Since Rafael's son's Mario Dandy Satriyo was seen often showing off his wealth and molesting GP Central Executive (PP) David Ansor Jonathan Latumahina, it has been detected that there are fat accounts and alleged unnatural assets.

The financial code-certificate of the Financial Transaction Reports and Analysis Center (PPATK) that conducted the investigation suspected that the suspicious flow of funds involved Rafael in the nominal amount was quite large. Meanwhile, the KPK stated that it did not hesitate to take action if it was proven that there were allegations of corruption.

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