JAKARTA - The name Mario Dandy Satrio continues to be highlighted by netizens following his sadistic act of molesting David until he lies in a coma in the hospital. Currently Dandy has been named a suspect and detained at the South Jakarta Police Headquarters. Dandy's father, Rafael Alun Trisambodo, was also discussed by the public. In addition to his jumbo assets which touched Rp56 billion, the accumulation of public disappointment also spilled over with various satires to memes. Approximately public criticism targets tax pay obligations. Rafael is the Head of the General Section of the Directorate General of Taxes (DGT) of the South Jakarta Regional Office II. As of today, the Minister of Finance (Menkeu) Sri Mulyani has removed the person concerned from her position. After being removed, Rafael resigned from his post. "Together, I, Rafael Alun Trisambodo, declare my resignation from my position and status as State Civil Apparatus of the Directorate General of Taxes starting Friday, February 24, 2023," wrote Rafael. Netizens who are angry with this incident continue to criticize tax agencies. How is it possible, residents are asked to obey taxes while tax workers are actually the opposite. "Sia-sia taat pajak, eh pegawainya malah ngemplan," tulis akun Twitter @lutfi_**** There are also netizens who satirize through memes featuring Dandy's pose sitting in front of a black luxury car, Rubicorn. The satire reminded residents to be diligent in paying taxes. "Let's pay taxes," quipped netizens via memes. "Wow, srimulyani's subordinates don't want to go through; everyone wants to be taxed, eh, his subordinates are auctioning taxes &hellips; the committee is rich in a lot of money … that's Rubicon and Moge are not at LHKPN either," wrote the account @RizalSN13. "We were told to pay taxes on time, the tax workers' children are not funny about this country. Eating people's money is good," said the account @finskk. Apart from Dandy, netizen criticism also targeted Agnes, the woman who was said to have provoked David to share the location so that she and the perpetrator could come and commit abuse. At a young age, Agnes was accused of being the culprit until her lover's father's career ended. "Kewek 15 tahun apa prestasimu? Aku: 1. membuat kakiku masuk penjara 2. Membuat Menteri Keuangan, Kemenkeudan Ditjen Pajak panik," sindir akun @ThankU **** The South Jakarta Metro Police have so far named two people as suspects in the case of David's persecution. Agnes' role in this case is still being investigated by the authorities.

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