JAKARTA - Are you a grade 12 high school student who is currently preparing to face UTBK SNBT 2023? Where have you arrived in preparation?

Prepareding the SNBT UTBK is quite tricky, you know, especially if you only rely on the learning process at school without training outside that hour. The level of competition from your dream major must also be considered.

Then, what is different from SNBT in 2023? Just to remind again, SNBT or National Selection Based on Tests is a national selection system for admission of new students which is currently managed by the Education Testing Management Center (BP3) in collaboration with PTN.

Well, what is different in 2023 is that SNBT replaces SBMPTN with the aim of synchronizing the transformation of Merdeka Learning from primary and secondary education to higher education with the Merdeka Campus.

Thus, the selection of this new model is also considered to encourage students to learn inclusively and thoroughly. National selection based on tests will test several things such as cognitive potential, mathematical reasoning, Indonesian literacy, and English literacy. This selection is open to students from any background, you know, there is no discrimination. Those of you who graduated from SMA/MA/SMK/equivalent and even Pursuit Package C can also enliven this selection, as long as they pass in 2023, 2022, and 2021.

Here are three things that can be a reference for you to prepare for the upcoming UTBK SNBT! Anything?

With this remaining time, the first step you have to take is to think clearly about which majors and colleges you want. From here, start thinking about the consequences of each option you will take. Say, you have three major options. From these three majors, make a list of positive and negative consequences in the future.

The trick, you can seek information via the internet, discuss with seniors or seniors at the level, teachers, tutors, or other older people. Given that as a high school student who may still have this experience, try asking a lot of questions.

After getting this information, you can start looking for accurate information about passing grades or the average UTBK value in each university and the intended majors.

This is important because it is useful as an illustration or reference before you start fighting in the exam later. Well, sequence from the three majors based on the level of difficulty to pass, give a ranking.

After getting favorite majors and colleges, make a realistic, measurable, specific, and appropriate learning target (SMART). Make doodles in your personal notebook that are often accessed or opened. To be more practical, you can paste these notes in places that are easy to see, such as study tables, room walls, dining rooms, and others. If you want to be more contemporary, use a note application installed on a device such as sticky notes, evernote, google keep, and others.

Talking about this learning method, each person has different characteristics. So, it's a good idea that you don't need to worry if it's different from friends or close friends later. Focus on developing yourself who must achieve a target in 2023.

To determine what method is the most suitable, before you can evaluate how progress and learning experience have been built? Have you learned hard but the results are not satisfactory? Or feel weak in one of the materials that will be tested, such as not being good at math but good English.

The solution is that you must immediately adjust which exam material is still lacking and needs to be deepened again. Next, replace your learning method. An inappropriate learning method will interfere with the learning process as well, you know.

In order to learn to be more effective, you must be good at choosing the right learning method so that it is comfortable to practice everyday. Several learning methods that can be selected, such as; use the Podomoro method, 50:10, Feyman, or concept map.

UTBK SNBT is one of the entrance gates to PTN that you will face in the near future, right? In the selection, you will be faced with a number of questions using a computer, where it will determine whether you qualify and whether or not you are in the dream PTN.

In short, the assessment of SNBT graduation based on the value score achieved. You can imagine, what score do you have to fight for? There are 4 materials that will be tested, such as cognitive potential capabilities, mathematical reasoning, Indonesian literacy, and English literacy.

With so many exam material demands, it's not enough to just rely on the learning process in schools. You have to consider joining the 2023 UTBK Intensive Bimbel, soon. Not only offline, if you prefer online learning, the Brain Academy platform is ready to accommodate any preparations for your UTBK!

Want to delay any more time? Time goes on but progress is still stuck there and there? By following this intensive UTBK tutor, your learning progress will be much more focused. There are experienced tutors and experts in their fields who will be happy to help you until you can.

To remind this struggle, here is an important schedule for UTBK SNBT 2023 that you must record, yes.

- SNPMB Account Registration Schedule for Students: 16 February - 03 March 2023 - Schedule for socialization of UTBK-SNBT tests: 01 December 2022 - 14 April 2023 - UTBK-SNBT test registration schedule: 23 March - 14 April 2023 - Schedule for the implementation of the UTBK Wave I test: 08 - 14 May 2023 - Schedule for the implementation of the UTBK Wave II test: 22 - 28 May 2023 - Announcement Date of SNBT Results: 20 June 2023 - Certificate Download Date UTBK Final Results: 26 June - 31 July 2023

Following tutoring will further direct the progress of your studies. In fact, most of the material on the Skolastik Test has never been taught in schools, you know. This material is also quite different from SBMPTN materials which emphasize more memorization than reasoning skills.

So, you will need more intensive guidance to master basic concepts, formulas, and solution techniques from each problem. Not to forget, there is guidance in choosing universities and study programs as well. Let's follow online and offline tutoring for the preparation of UTBK/SNBT at Brain Academy!

Successfully achieved with the intensive Bimbel UTBK SNBT. You can also try out the free Skolastik Test to check your readiness, you know. Through Brain Academy, learning materials and the UTBK/SNBT SkOListic Test have been adjusted to the latest policies, so you don't have to worry.

There are several excellent features at Brain Academy, such as talent interest tests, live coaching, thousands of bold learning videos, and tryouts. In addition, there are self-development classes and PR clinics via video call. All these facilities, you can get at a cost starting from IDR 404 thousand only!

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