JAKARTA - Minister of Women's Empowerment and Child Protection (Kemen PPPA) Bintang Puspayoga inaugurated the Friends of Women and Children's House (SAPA House) which subsequently served as a temporary shelter for victims of violence so that the confidentiality of the location of this safe house must be maintained.

"The establishment of this 'SAPA' house does not mean that our work has stopped here. After this, there are many things that must be done related to strengthening resilience and also the need for empowerment that is needed by violent survivors so that they can bounce back from their slump in the past," said Minister Bintang Puspayoga, quoted by ANTARA, Thursday, February 23.

If there are victims who need SALA housing facilities in the stage of protecting and recovering victims, he said, they can contact the call center service of SAPA 129.

The SALA house is a manifestation of one of the tasks of the Ministry of PPPA's service functions in providing temporary shelter services as one type of service provided to provide protection for women victims of violence and children who require special protection (AMPK), in accordance with the specified mechanism.

The SALA house will also be a transit house to distribute cases requiring other residential services, based on the results of case identification and authority criteria, as well as emergency conditions, in accordance with the central authority case.

"We continue to carry out synergies, collaborations, and innovations together with ministries/agencies, local governments, and other stakeholders. It is hoped that in the future, the existence of the SALA House can be a reference for UPTD PPA throughout Indonesia to be able to form similar shelter services for women and children who are victims of violence," he said.

Menteri Bintang Puspayoga juga mengajak masyarakat yang mengalami, mendengar, melihat, atau mengetahui kasus kekerasan untuk berani melapor melalui hotline Sahabat Perempuan dan Anak (SAPA) 129 atau WhatsApp 08111-129-129.

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