JAKARTA - Sandiman Associate Expert at the National Cyber ​​and Crypto Agency (BSSN) Anton Setiyawan said that his party has started preparing efforts to mitigate cyber-attacks which are predicted to increase ahead of the 2024 General Election (Pemilu).

"Of course, we have mapped it out, then we have prepared mitigation measures. We pray together that we hope we can deter (cyber attacks) and protect our election system," Anton said as reported by ANTARA, Thursday, February 23.

"We pray together, hopefully (cyber attacks) we can prevent and avoid, so that the elections can go well, we have started the efforts now," he continued.

According to Anton, the General Elections Commission (KPU) has built a good system for the 2024 elections. KPU also always coordinates with the BSSN in terms of maintaining cyberspace security, including by forming a task force that involves various stakeholders or related stakeholders.

"We have a task force. We are working with friends who provide infrastructure, friends in the industry, then Kominfo, who is responsible for the content in cyberspace," he said.

Anton explained, the danger of cyber attacks against the 2024 Election was actually not that big because the voting and counting of votes was still done manually.

However, according to him, cyber attack mitigation efforts must still be prepared carefully because the recapitulation still uses the system.

"I don't think it's really too heavy, we just have to protect the system at the KPU so that the integrity of the recapitulation and results from the election can be maintained, no one tampers with it, no one changes it, so the results delivered are in accordance with those in the voting booths," he said.

He also hopes that the public and participants in the 2024 election can participate in assisting the government in maintaining cyber security.

"For the people, I think that the right to vote properly is in accordance with the procedures set by the KPU. Then in our electoral system, there are already entities such as supervisors from the Bawaslu, then witnesses from politics, run the SOP correctly, and God willing, it will work well," said Anton.

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