JAKARTA - Ilyasa Shabazz, daughter of Malcolm X, announced that she intends to sue the FBI, CIA, New York Police Department (NYPD) and other parties for her death.

Marking the 58th anniversary of the killing of the civilian rights leader, Ilyasa Shabazz said he would sue $100 million from the agencies, accusing them of a role in his murder.

Shabazz was accompanied by his sister Qubilah Shabazz and civil rights lawyer Ben Crump, on Tuesday in the Audubon Ballroom, New York, where Malcolm X was murdered on February 21, 1965.

"Over the years, our families have struggled for the truth to be revealed," said Ilyasa Shabazz, as quoted by The National News on February 23.

"We want justice to be served for our father," he said.

It is known that three people were convicted of the death of Malcolm X. However, two people who insisted that they were innocent were released in 2021.

Speaking at a news conference, Crump said there was "there is speculation about who was involved in the killing of Malcolm X" in the early years since 1965.

"If anyone deserves justice (after) these decades, then they are these women," said Crump.

Crump said government agencies "have factual evidence, mitigating evidence that they fraudulently hide from people who were unfairly punished for the killing of Malcolm X".

When asked if he believed government agencies conspired to kill Malcolm X, Crump said: "That's what we are accusing, yes. They infiltrated many civil rights organizations."

Meanwhile, lawyers from the people released said the 1966 trial that convicted Muhammad Aziz and the late Khalil Islam said the authorities had hidden evidence that was beneficial to the defense.

It is known, Malcolm X became famous as a national spokesman for the Nation of Islam, an Islamic and black nationalist movement. He left the organization in 1964.

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