JAKARTA - Richard totaling alias Bharada E is still retained as a member of the Bhayangkara Corps based on the results of the Police Code of Ethics Commission (KKEP) trial. However, Bharada E was still sentenced to a demotion in the form of a year.

"Administrative sanctions in the form of demotion for one year," said Karo Penmas, Police Public Relations Division, Brigadier General Ahmad Ramadhan, to reporters, Wednesday, February 22.

Demotion sanctions mean that members of the National Police will be assigned to lower positions hierarchically and in positions.

From the results of the KKEP trial, continued Ramadhan, it was decided that Bharada E was placed in the Headquarters Service Unit (Yanma). Originally he was a member of the Police Mobile Brigade.

"Demotion in the Yanma function. So within 1 year the person concerned was placed in the Yanma Polri enlisted," said Ramadhan.

As previously reported, the KKEP trial for Richard totaling alias Bharada E has been completed. As a result, he was retained as a member of the Bhayangkara Corps.

"That the alleged violator can still be maintained by the National Police agency, the decision of the KKEP trial," said Ramadhan.

Based on the decision, Bharada E was declared to have violated Article 13 paragraph 1 of PP number 1 of 2003 concerning the dismissal of members of the National Police in conjunction with Article 5 paragraph 1 letter O and or Article 6 paragraph 2 letter b and or Article 8 letter b and letter c and or Article 10 paragraph 1 letter f.

Then, Article 10 paragraph 1 letter a number 5 of Perpol number 7 of 2022 concerning the professional code of ethics and the Polri code of ethics commission.

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