JAKARTA - The Chairperson of the PDI Perjuangan Megawati Sukarnoputri said that the oceans in Indonesia have been torn apart due to the government allowing the export of fries or lobster seeds.

He considered that one day the wealth of Indonesian waters could be lost if this kind of export was allowed to continue. Natural wealth should be preserved together.

"I am sure, what percentage will be lost. Because of what? The sea has been torn apart just because of the fry problem," Megawati said in a webinar, Thursday, January 7.

He said that the lobster fries or seeds should be cultivated using existing technology. Not even given to others just to make a profit.

"I saw that the fry was smooth, lobster cubs, small, at most this size, clear, visible. I thought why, I mean only because we gave our own money. I'm sad, really sad. To other people. We can't make cultivation with technology, "he said.

The 5th President of the Republic of Indonesia thinks that the government should not allow the export of lobster fries or seeds. According to him, these fry should be allowed to grow to a large size and then caught.

It's just that, he considered, until now there is no precise classification of when lobsters should be caught.

"In my opinion, just let him live in the sea, have fun swimming until one day there is a classification of the size that can be caught. We don't classify it (size, red)," he said.

"Try to imagine, what about small things actually, getting big. Prohibition and so on. And you can't do that if the KLH takes care of it. Never happens, it can't. The people aren't enough to look after it," he added.

It is known that the government had opened a tap for fry export under the direction of the former Minister of Marine Affairs and Fisheries, Edhy Prabowo. However, Edhy was even arrested by the Corruption Eradication Commission (KPK) for allegedly accepting bribes related to the export of lobster fries or seeds.

Furthermore, as a replacement for the Minister of Marine Affairs and Fisheries, Sakti Wahyu Trenggono is re-evaluating the decision to export the fry, which is currently being suspended.

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