JAKARTA - The Corruption Eradication Commission (KPK) Supervisory Board said that throughout 2020, his party had issued 571 permits starting from wiretapping, searches and confiscation.

Member of the Supervisory Board Albertina Ho explained, the 571 permits consist of 132 wiretapping permits, 62 search permits, and 377 confiscation permits.

All of these permits, he said, were issued quickly so as not to hinder the work of the KPK.

"All applications are given permission by the KPK Supervisory Board in less than 24 hours. In general, the process of granting permission by the supervisory board only lasts about four to five hours," said Albertina in a press conference broadcast on the KPK RI YouTube account, Thursday, 7. January.

Furthermore, he emphasized that so far no party thinks the supervisory board is slowing down the work of the prosecution. This was conveyed, based on a survey conducted by internal parties.

"There is an internal survey of the supervisory board and the average survey is very satisfied and it is seen (from the survey, red) that there is actually no adult hindering the process of granting wiretapping, search and confiscation permits," he said.

Furthermore, the KPK Supervisory Board also monitors the permits they have given.

Albertina said, monitoring was carried out in three ways. First, the evaluation of the wiretapping accountability report that was alerted by both investigators and investigators was 23 reports.

Second, verification of the administrative documents of searches and confiscations of 695 consisting of 631 minutes of confiscation and 64 minutes of searches.

Finally, a field review of the confiscated objects of 50 plots of land or buildings located in Bandung, West Java for the case that caught Dadang Suganda.

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