The Corruption Eradication Commission (KPK) said the money from the inactive Central Mamberamo Regent Ricky Ham Pagawak to the presenter Brigita Purnawati Manohara was suspected of being an effort to launder money. Later, investigators will investigate this flow.

"The position of what was previously conveyed ( Ricky's money to Brigita, ed) is related to the handling of money laundering (TPPU)," said KPK Director of Investigation Asep Guntur to reporters, Tuesday, February 21.

Asep ensured that the KPK would pursue all bribes and gratuities disguised or spent by Ricky. Tracking will be carried out to be returned to the state.

"We will track down every flow of funds where corruption is the predicate of crime from TPPU to where the money flows, and everyone who receives money or the proceeds of corruption committed by the suspect," he said.

Complementing Asep's statement, KPK Chairman Firli Bahuri confirmed that anyone suspected of receiving bribes or gratuities from Ricky would be investigated by investigators. This also applies to Brigita, even though she has returned the money she received.

It is known that Brigita received Rp480 million from Ricky. The money has been returned to the KPK on Tuesday, July 26, 2022.

"As Law 31 of 1999 in Article 4 states that the return of state losses does not erase criminal charges. But once again I convey, there is still a process that must be explored," said Firli.

As previously reported, Ricky has officially been a detainee at the Red and White KPK Detention Center since Monday, February 20 after being on the run since July 2022. The suspect in the alleged bribery, gratification and money laundering was arrested in Abepura, Jayapura on Sunday, February 19.

In this case, Ricky is suspected of receiving bribes and gratuities of up to Rp200 billion. This acceptance was made from contractors who wanted to get projects in Central Mamberamo Regency.

There are three contractors who are said to have given money, namely the Director of PT Solata Sukses Building, Marten Toding; President Director of PT Bina Karya Raya, Simon Mampang; and Director of PT Bumi Abadi Perkasa Jusiendra Pribadi Pampang.

In detail, Jusiendra got 18 work packages with a total value of Rp. 217.7 billion. Projects built include the construction of student dormitories in Jayapura.

While Simon got six packages worth Rp179.4 billion and Marten got three work packages with a value of Rp9.4 billion. This work was obtained by the three private sector after they agreed with Ricky to give money.

From the receipt, Ricky was then suspected of laundering money by spending to disguise the proceeds of bribes and gratuities. There were a number of assets confiscated, from luxury cars to apartments.

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