JAKARTA - Four people were declared dead due to an accident at Kilometer (KM) 595 of the Solo-Kertosono Toll Road, Madiun-Ngawi, which entered the Jeruk Village area, Kartoharjo District, Magetan Regency, East Java, Thursday, January 7.

Head of the Traffic Center for Magetan Police, AKP Jumianto Nugroho, said that the incident took place early Thursday at around 04.00 WIB. In the accident, according to him, two vehicles were involved.

"According to the data, there were four people who died," said AKP Jumianto when confirmed by reporters, reported by Antara.

The two vehicles involved in the accident were the Singa Putra Raja Bus heading for Bali-Palembang with police number BE-7061-IU and a truck with police number B-9975-BYZ driven by Hariyadi (61), a resident of Kedungwaru Tulungagung.

According to the crime scene, the accident started when the bus was traveling in a slow lane at high speed. However, when he arrived at KM 595 B, the bus driver Heri (35) from Lampung lost his concentration because he was sleepy.

"The bus hit the back of the truck in front of it. After crashing, the bus stopped in a slow lane and the truck stopped at the shoulder of the road," said Jumianto Nugroho.

As a result of this incident four people died and two people were injured and were treated at the Attin Husada Ngawi Hospital.

The victim who died was Suswati (53), a woman, a resident of Berasan Makmur Village, Tanjung Raya District, Mesuji Regency, Lampung. Raisa Aqila (7), woman, resident of Ibul Besar Village, Pamulutan District, Ogan Ilir Regency, South Sumatra.

Then Wayan Raihan (13), male, a resident of the Tania Makmur Village, Lampung Jaya District, Ogan Komering Ilir Regency, South Sumatra; and Dewa Ketut Sumbu, male, resident of Rajawali Village, Bandar Surabaya District, Central Lampung Regency, Lampung.

Meanwhile, victims of minor injuries included Saheri, Fitri, Munimah, Sahuri, Hasiya, Mali, Alfatir, Rohmah, Mahrul, Dewi, Kukuh, Sama, and Fahril. They are bus passengers.

The bus was badly damaged in the front and the truck was damaged at the rear. The accident case is still being handled by the Magetan Police Traffic Unit.

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