JAYAPURA - Soldiers in the ranks of Korem 172/PWY also prayed for the release of the Susi Air pilot, who is currently still being held hostage by the KSB led by Egianus Kogoya to Istighosah Kubro in commemoration of Isra Mi raj Nabi Muhammad SAW 1444 H virtually at the Ridho Allah Mosque Dormitory Busend 3 Waena, Waena District, Jayapura City, Sunday night.

Danrem 172/PWY represented by Kasrem 172/PWY Colonel (Inf) Bayu Sudarmanto said this activity was a momentum to increase faith and piety to Allah SWT and offered prayers for the safety of the nation including the personnel of Korem 172/PWY and the pilot Susi Air, Philip Mark Merthens. "Hopefully this activity will provide safety for all of us, especially to the Pangdam XVII/Cenderawasih, Danrem 172/PWY and all members who are carrying out their duties in Timika in the context of releasing the Pilot Susi Air hostage," Bayu hoped quoted by ANTARA, Monday, February 20. According to him, currently the TNI-Polri are trying to free a New Zealand national pilot who since February 7 was taken hostage by KSB. During the commemoration of Isra Mi'raj, all the soldiers and the community present pray that the victims can be released safely as well as TNI-Polri personnel who are members of the release team. "Hopefully the formation of hostages can be carried out immediately in a safe condition including the personnel involved," Bayu hoped.

Istighosah Kubro which is held simultaneously throughout Indonesia is centered at the Great Mosque of Cianjur, West Java. Before taking away the pilot Susi Air Philip Mark Merthens who is a New Zealand national, the KSB led by Egianus Kogoya set fire to the Susi Air plane piloted by the victims.

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