Jambi - Jambi Police Chief Inspector General Rusdi Hartono has been found and will be evacuated following the incident of a helicopter carrying an emergency landing at Tamia Jambi Hill, Muara Emat, Jambi.
The search and evacuation process is not an easy matter, there are many obstacles that must be faced until the presence of the two-star general is finally found.
"The one who found it from the SAR Brimob team Yon B Jambi Police," said Head of the Public Relations Division of the National Police Inspector General Dedi Prasetyo to reporters, Monday, February 20.
The search began with the mapping of the coordinates of the presence of the Jambi Police Chief and his entourage. Then, a ground evacuation team was formed which consisted of 12 personnel.
This team traveled through the hills through Jembatan Payung Village, Batang Merangin District, Kerinci Regency, on Sunday, February 19.
Various obstacles must be faced by the evacuation team. Starting from heavy terrain to tired members of the evacuation team.
"At around 02.00 WIB, the evacuation team experienced problems as many as 3 people who experienced leg cramps," he said.
Thus, the evacuation process was continued with only 9 personnel. The reason is that the Jambi Police Chief only has 2 kilometers left.
A few hours later, the evacuation team arrived at the point where the Jambi Police Chief's entourage was. Food and medicine Suplay was immediately given.
"The Land Evacuation Team managed to find the Kapolda group at 04.00 WIB and then provided MTP assistance, blankets and then continued with water supply," said Dedi.
The next step, the Jambi Police Chief is planned to be immediately taken to the nearest hospital for initial treatment. Until later referred to other hospitals.
"The Kapolda will then be planned for temporary evacuation to Sungai Penuh Hospital, Kerinci Regency before being flown to a hospital in Jambi," said Dedi.
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