Makassar City Government (Pemkot) is preparing a new land for a nine-hectare Public Cemetery (TPU) in Tammu-tammu Hamlet, Moncongloe Bulu Village, Moncongloe District, Maros Regency, South Sulawesi. "The place is good. First, flood-free. Second, I consider this nine hectares to be still small. But I hope this is early and if there is development in the back it can be possible and hopefully it can," said Makassar Mayor Moh Ramdhan Pomanto as reported by ANTARA, Saturday, February 18. According to him, ideally the land acquisition for TPU can reach 50 hectares so that it can be used by the community over the long term of 20-30 years. The land is prepared as an anticipation of the Sudiang TPU and other funerals that are starting to be full. Although only nine hectares are planned, said the head of IKA Unhas Sulsel, it is hoped that there will be an expansion in the future. In addition, TPU is in a better and neater concept, including preparing access roads to funerals including public facilities, such as mosques to be utilized by local residents. "We make a very neat future house, especially I see the land meet it. I see, what if development is possible, if for example we can grant the road so that the road is good and the community is not disturbed, so it must be widened," he said.

The man who is familiarly called Danny Pomanto said that although currently it is still in the process of land acquisition, he is sure that it can be obtained. Moreover, local community leaders support the existence of the general cemetery. "The place is okay, community support is also extraordinary. But we analyzed first because we needed a process, for example the price (land) must be forecasted from an independent assessment team, so this is still a process," he said. Makassar City Government has even prepared a budget of Rp. 25 billion for the procurement of the TPU. In addition, local community input asking for a special block for Tammu-Tammu residents will be accommodated. "The community supports and asks for a block in the TPU for Tammu-tammu residents, I am ready there is no problem, because we need to provide mutual benefits," Danny said.

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