JAKARTA - Deputy Chairman of the Corruption Eradication Commission (KPK) Nurul Ghufron admitted that there were several suggestions given by the Supervisory Board to strengthen the collegial collective principle among leaders. One of them is holding an outbound.

This was conveyed when he was asked about the dynamics among the leaders of the anti-corruption commission which was revealed by the KPK Supervisory Board. Ghufron said, they have been reminded to work with a collegial collective concept as regulated in the KPK Law (UU) Number 19 of 2019.

"That is certainly a positive input for the leadership to improve, yes, one of which is so that for example, yes, outbound and others," Ghufron told reporters, Saturday, February 18.

Ghufron did not deny that there had indeed been dynamics in the midst of the leadership regarding the work to eradicate corruption. One of the reasons is because of the investigation into alleged corruption in the implementation of Formula E in Jakarta.

"Not only that, so there are many things. Not only that. One of them might blow up on you is one of them (the investigation of Formula E, ed) but it's normal," he said.

However, this dynamic is felt to have been completed by Ghufron. All input from the supervisory board is also being made to be done.

Moreover, the five leaders have been summoned one by one and together. "We at the meeting point already want to follow up on what the adult said," said Ghufron.

As previously reported, the KPK Council revealed that there were dynamics among the five leaders. They found out after an official memorandum was sent by one of the leaders.

It was not specified what caused the dynamics. However, they have summoned KPK Chairman Firli Bahuri along with four of his representatives, namely Alexander Marwata, Nawawi Pomolango, Nurul Ghufron, and Johannis Tanak.

From that meeting, they heard various responses. "And (Dewas KPK, ed) concluded that the KPK leadership needs to increase the application of collegial collective principles," Tumpak told reporters in a written statement, Friday, February 17.

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