JAKARTA - Depok Mayor Mohammad Idris reminded residents to sincerely apply the principles of faith, immunity and 3M. This principle is important to prevent the spread of COVID-19.

"We call on all citizens to sincerely implement the two I program, 3M. Two I, faith and immunity, "said Idris, Wednesday, January 6.

"Strengthen our faith in God Almighty, confirm our belief in God the Most Protector.

3 M using a mask to wash their hands with soap and keep their distance, ā€¯continued Idris.

Idris invited Depok residents to actively protect themselves and their families from being exposed to COVID-19. If anyone is exposed to COVID-19, they can immediately report to the COVID-19 alert village in RW.

"Or (reporting to) the nearest village head or puskesmas, let us work hand in hand to help relieve our exposed relatives," he continued.

More COVID-19 Cases On Record

The Ministry of Health (Kemenkes) releases the latest additional positive cases of COVID-19 today. A total of 67,908 specimens were examined with the results that there were 8,854 new positive cases of COVID-19.

The addition of new positive cases of COVID-19 has set a record for new positive cases. Previously, the highest new cases per day occurred on December 3, 2020 with 8,369 cases.

"The total accumulation of positive cases since COVID-19 was discovered in Indonesia has reached 788,402 people," the Ministry of Health was quoted as saying, Wednesday, January 6.

Today's cases increased by 6,767, so that a total of 652,513 people recovered. Then, the positive confirmed cases who died increased by 187 people and a total of 23,296 people.

The province with the most new cases was in DKI Jakarta with 2,402 new cases and a total of 195,301 cases. DKI is the province with the most cases in Indonesia.

Followed by West Java which has 1,470 new cases with a total of 91,131 cases. Central Java has 1,023 new cases and a total of 87,568 cases. Then, East Java has 845 new cases and a total of 88,642 cases.

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