Prevent scarcity such as some time ago, the Trade Office of Cooperatives and SMEs (Disdakkop UKM) in Magelang Regency, Central Java, oversees the distribution of oil for the people/oil subsidies of MinyaKita in traditional markets.

Head of Trade Division Disdakkop UKM Magelang Regency Pantjaringtyas Putranto explained, MinyaKita is a subsidy of the DMO (Domestic Market Obligation).

"Incidentally, we received 240 cartons or the equivalent of 2,880 liters (Minyanya Kita), which was distributed by CV Pelita Hati," said Pantjaraningtyas, quoted by ANTARA, Friday 17.

He conveyed that the 240 cartons were immediately distributed in a number of traditional markets, out of 17 markets in Magelang Regency, there were three monitoring markets, namely Muntilan Market, Salaman, and Grabag.

"Today we are evaluating supervision at Muntilan Market. In each market there are 10 shops/kios that will be monitored until later religious holidays, until Lebaran later. Hopefully, the stock will be safe, stable prices, especially for subsidized oil," he said.

He said, actually there are two types of subsidy oils, namely packaged oil with the MinyaKita brand and bulk oil. For bulk oil, a banner will be installed with the words "sold Rp. 14,000/liter or Rp. 15,500/kilogram".

"For people's oil/packaged subsidies, people can only buy a maximum of two liters in one day at a price of Rp. 14,000/liter," he said.

Disdakkop UKM Magelang Regency distributed people's oil to 10 kiosks in each monitoring market with a quota of seven cartons at each kiosk temporarily. However, Disdangkop has written to the Ministry of Trade asking for additional supplies so that it becomes 750 cartons to drop people's oil in Magelang Regency.

"So that in each market the monitoring is not only 10 kiosks that get dropped people's oil and can be more evenly distributed, but again depending on the stock given to us," he said.

Class II Pelita Hati oil distributor Yohanes Yuli said specifically for Muntilan Market, 70 cartons/840 liters of subsidized oil had been dropped. Next week, according to coordination with Disperindag, oil droppings will be carried out at Pasar Salaman and Pasar Grabag.

One of the owners of a basic food kiosk at Muntilan Market, Titin hopes that oil dropping can be more evenly distributed and not only 10 kiosks will receive it.

"My hope is that if you can drop the oil evenly, if it can't be evenly distributed, then one kiosk doesn't need seven cartons, but one or two cartons so that other kiosks also get oil droppings," he said.

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