JAKARTA One female odong-odong passenger was reported to have died during a mixer truck accident (molen truck) on Jalan Ring Road Cengkareng, West Jakarta, last Thursday, February 16. The security guard in the West Jakarta area has now detained a truck driver named Suwaryo today, Friday, February 17. Suwaryo is in the Satlantas cell in the West Jakarta area.

"The truck driver has been secured. Currently, the investigation is still ongoing, the perpetrator has not been named a suspect," said Head of West Jakarta Traffic Unit, AKP Agus Suwito, to VOI, Friday, February 17.

AKP Agus explained that the incident occurred when a molen truck driven by Suwaryo drove from the south to the north. Then the truck hit the sedan with the number B 2870 BZZ, driven by Greggy, who was stopped in the left lane. The sedan stopped because the traffic light was on red.

Due to the large truck load, the sedan was pushed forward and hit a Viar motorcycle with the number B 6983 JAM driven by Durochim.

It is known that odong-odong contains a number of female passengers named Djiha, Ijah Khodijah, Naila Eka Putri, Adam Pratama, Dwi Nurfariza, Anisa, Damar, Dela Dwiyana, Eni Fitriani and Nurhaeni. Odong - odong who was in front of the sedan was immediately hit and pushed over.

Apparently, the two vehicles that had been hit did not stop the mixer truck. The mixer truck swerved to the right again and hit another vehicle with the number B 8618 QT which was stolen by Amin. The car was also pushed until it hit another vehicle.

"As a result of a series of accidents, a Viar (odong - odong) motorcycle passenger died with bruises on the head. The victim died named Djiha, a woman. The body was evacuated to the Tangerang General Hospital," said AKP Agus.

Meanwhile, 9 other odong-odong passengers suffered injuries to their legs and hands. The victims were treated at Hermina Hospital and Cengkareng Hospital.

"Four vehicles were damaged by the accident. The cause of the accident is still in the process of being investigated. We have processed the crime scene and secured evidence and made a crime scene sket," he said.

Until now, cases of successive accidents are still being handled by the West Jakarta Satlantas.

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