The 38th dangerous people in the city of Semarang, Thursday, February 17 evening, succeeded in making the residents of Central Java unable, including the Governor of Central Java, Ganjar Pranowo. The story of two detectives who exposed the puzzle at a mental hospital managed to refresh the atmosphere towards the 2024 political year.

It is Butet Kartaredjasa, founder of Indonesia Kita and Agus Noor as Creative Directors, compactly presenting polemies of political issues to pandemics with light, full of saturation.

"This is a political year, we have created coolness, we see Indonesia from a satire perspective, because the themes raised through our Indonesia program are up to the 38th day, the spirit is to celebrate diversity," Butet said after the stage.

Butet and Agus Noor have been initiated since 2022. Behind the story of two detectives, Butet wrapped political messages fun and interestingly.

"So that the political year is not a hot year, not a boiling year, but a year that brings us into joy, that's the spirit that wants to be presented," he said.

Butet was satisfied to choose Semarang City as the 38th place to perform dangerous people. According to him, his enthusiasm and energy were felt.

"Very satisfying, I am very happy with the energy given by the audience who was transferred to the stage, very responsive and I believe that the Semarang audience of Central Java has the intelligence to capture the symbols that are conveyed," he said.

In the event, Ganjar Pranowo witnessed from the beginning until the end of the show. The white-haired governor also seemed to enjoy and be caught watching Cak Lontong, Akbar, Susilo Nugroho, Marwoto to Inaya Wahid, compete with each other in acting.

Asked about Ganjar's presence, Butet considered as an award. According to him, the presence of public officials at the performance of dangerous people is proof of a healthy leader.

"Usually, one public official award watches cultural products, showing that the leader is healthy and healthy," he said.

Meanwhile, Governor Ganjar Pranowo appreciated Butet Kartaredjasa, Agus Noor, the cast to all supporters of the show. According to him, what was shown really depicts things that are happening in Indonesia.

"The packaging is interesting, it makes people confused, but the message goes into our brains and minds and minds. That something is not good, the public knows. Something you hide, the public knows. Bad scenarios, the public reads, because they are intelligent," he said.

Ganjar is also happy because Semarang City was chosen by our Indonesia program to hold a performance. The governor of Central Java for the two periods hopes that similar performances can be held more often in Central Java.

This is a bit rare in Semarang, this is a bit rare in Central Java. I thank all artists, you have given the art and culture virus so that later the art of the show will show more new artists, many new performances, and people will feel the feeling so that it becomes sensitive and not sensitive," he said.

For information, Hazardous People' are plays produced by Kayan Production, written and directed by Agus Noor.

While Butet played with performing art artists. Among them, Cak Lontong, Akbar, Marwoto, Inaya Wahid, Susilo Nugroho, Sri Encik Krishna, to Yu Ningsih.

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