JAKARTA - The Taiwanese military claims to have found the remains of weather balloons on a remote island located near China's coast. The index points to China.

Taiwan has been complaining about China's relentless provocation claims the country belongs to them. The provocations start from Beijing's armed forces over the past three years, including fighter jets flying near the island and unmanned aircraft flying off the offshore island.

But Thursday 16 February, quoted by Channel News Asia, Taiwan's military on the island of Dongyin, part of the Taiwan-controlled Matsu archipelago, observed an unidentified object falling from the sky. The military also found balloon remains at the firing range.

The ball is about 1 meter in diameter with an instrument box characterized by a simplified Chinese character - which is used in China but not in Taiwan - and the words "Taiyuan Radio No. 1 Factory Co., Ltd.", "GTS13 digital biosphere sound instrument" and " meteorological instrument", the army said.

"Initial investigations determined that the remains were meteorological detection tools, which have been collected by relevant departments for further evaluation," the Taiwanese army said in a brief statement.

Last year, Taiwan said a small Chinese aircraft piloted by the propeller flew very close to Dongyin in what the government said it suspected was China deploying civilian aircraft to test Taiwan's military response.

China also deployed drones to propagate on Taiwan-controlled islands near China's coast last August when Beijing carried out war games near Taiwan, which only ended after Taiwanese troops shot down one.

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