NATUNA - The Provincial Government (Pemprov) of the Riau Islands (Kepri) will provide an education budget of IDR 23 billion for Natuna Regency in 2023.

"This year we have a budget for education development in Natuna of Rp. 23 billion, this budget is higher than last year's only about three billion rupiah," said Riau Islands Governor Ansar Ahmad as quoted by ANTARA, Thursday, February 16.

He said the Riau Islands Provincial Government is obliged to prepare 20 percent of the budget for education and will be distributed to each district or city. Therefore, he hopes for collaboration between the provincial government and the regional government (Pemda) at the district/city level.

"So that it can be in line with the construction later," he said.

Ansar Ahmad also advised all relevant institutions to jointly encourage the acceleration of education development in Natuna.

"Our achievement index has been above average, exceeding the national index, even so this year we will continue to work together with development groups for the field of education," he explained.

In addition, he also said that his visit this time was to see firsthand the condition of the world of education in Natuna Regency.

"With our presence here, we want to create a smile for our students and see a number of developments in school," said Ansar.

Meanwhile, Natuna Regent Wan Siswandi thanked the presence of the governor and his entourage in Natuna who could motivate and encourage PTK Non-ASN SMAN, SMKN, SLBN in Natuna.

"Especially in budget problems, which are obstacles in every education development in Natuna," said the Regent.

Not only that, with the presence of the governor, he also hopes to provide the best solution for education development in Natuna.

During the visit in Natuna, Governor Ansar is scheduled to review a number of State Senior High School (SMAN) facilities and witness the signing of the Work Agreement of PTK Non-ASN SMAN, SMKN, SLBN throughout the Riau Islands Province in 2023.

Selain itu, kata dia, kunjungan juga seiring dengan perayaan peringatan Isra Mi'raj Nabi Muhammad SAW 1444 Hijriah/2023 di Natuna.

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