YOGYAKARTA - The Yogyakarta City Environment Agency operates 42 additional units of garbage transportation consisting of various types of vehicles to maximize the transportation of waste from settlements to the Piyungan Final Disposal Site as well as support the inorganic zero waste movement. The entire new fleet is the result of procurement through the 2022 Revised APBD. The types of vehicles are also different because they are tailored to the needs in the field," said Yogyakarta City Environment Agency (DLH) Head Sugeng Darmanto as quoted by ANTARA, Thursday 16 February. A total of 42 additional units of the garbage transportation consist of a dump truck of seven units, a compact truck with a capacity of seven tons as many as eight units, a compact truck with a capacity of five units, a three-wheeled vehicle of 20 units, and two tank trucks to support the watering of the park. With the addition of these fleets, the total waste storage fleet and watering of parks owned by the Yogyakarta City DLH amounted to 163 units. However, as many as 17 units of them must be removed because they are no longer suitable for operation.

"We are starting to increase the procurement of compactor trucks so that waste transport is maximized because the truck is able to reduce waste so that the volume transported can be more and safer, not diluted," he said.

The entire fleet of garbage transport, especially those used to dispose of waste, to the Piyungan Final Disposal Site (TPA), has been registered and obtained recommendations so that it has a waste disposal permit. Sugeng also asked the driver of the garbage transport fleet to keep the truck clean even though it was used to transport garbage. "At least for the front or the driver's place," he said. Meanwhile, Yogyakarta City Regional Secretary Aman Yuriadijaya said the addition of the garbage transport fleet was a form of the local government's commitment to waste management efforts, especially on the downstream side. "The garbage transportation service will be more optimal because the fleet used is certain to be feasible and there will be no more urgent fleets. Garbage transportation can be faster," he said.

He also added, if the number of fleets operated is still lacking, it can be proposed to return to procure, although it can only be done through the budget for changes. For the 2023 APBD, there is no allocation for the procurement of a garbage transportation fleet because the pure budget is usually more focused on physical development needs. Meanwhile, the procurement of goods and services such as cars or certain vehicles tends to be budgeted through changes because it can be done in a relatively fast time, he said. Until early February, the city of Yogyakarta, which has been running a zero inorganic waste movement since January, has succeeded in reducing the volume of waste that was thrown into the Piyungan TPA by 35 tons per day. Meanwhile, in 2022, Yogyakarta will average 260 tons of waste per day.

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