Responding to the code of ethics trial, the National Police explained the rules and considered the public's hope that Bharada E or Richard total could return to being a member of Brimob after serving his criminal sentence.

Head of the Public Relations Division of the National Police Inspector General Pol Dedi Prasetyo said in Police Regulation (Perpol) Number 7 of 2022 concerning the Professional Code of Ethics and the Police Code of Ethics Commission there are articles that regulate ethical and administrative sanctions for members of the National Police who violate the Police Professional Code of Ethics (KEPP).

"Of course, based on Perpol Number 7 of 2022 there is a formulation of Article 107, Article 109," said Dedi as quoted by ANTARA, Thursday, February 16.

Article 107 explains that Polri officials who violate KEPP are subject to sanctions in the form of ethical witnesses (letter a) and administrative sanctions (letter b).

Meanwhile, Article 109 paragraph (1) describes the administrative sanctions intended in Article 107 letter b in the form of mutations of at least one year, postponement of promotion for a minimum of one year and a maximum of three years.

Next, postponement of education for a minimum of one year, a maximum of three years, placement in special places for a maximum of 30 working days and PTDH.

In Article 109 paragraph (2) it is explained that administrative sanctions can be imposed on suspected violators who commit violations with moderate categories and severe categories.

According to the two-star general, apart from referring to the rules, in considering ethical sanctions against Richard total, the Police Code of Ethics Commission also considers other matters, such as suggestions and input from experts, including the decision of the district court judge who has designated Ferdy Sambo's former aide as a justice collaborator (JC).

Experts who are asked for opinions in this regard, such as code of ethics experts, professional experts, from the National Police Propam and external supervisors of the National Police, such as Kompolnas. Then, in deciding ethical violations of Richard total ethics, the code of ethics commission is carried out collectively collegially.

"This is the most important part as a consideration from the judge of the code of ethics commission which will later be decided collegially to make decisions wisely," he said.

With this consideration, said Dedi, it is possible that the public hopes that Bharada Richard totaling will return to duty to the Brimob Police Corps.

"It's possible, yes, but once again I don't dare to precede what is the judge's decision on the code of ethics commission. That will become the realm of the judge by looking at various facts of perspective, this input is important," said Dedi.

Regarding the implementation of his ethics trial, Dedi said the National Police Chief, General Pol Listyo Sigit Prabowo, had ordered the ranks of the National Police's Divpropam to immediately hold an ethics trial for Bharada

The National Police's Professional and Security Division (Propam), said Dedi, has scheduled a plan for the implementation of the Bharada code of ethics trial, Richard

"As soon as possible, the order of the National Police Chief will also be carried out as soon as possible to immediately hold the Bharada trial, Richard totaling," said Dedi.

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