JAKARTA - National Police Chief General Listyo Sigit Prabowo has ordered the East Java Police Chief to reprimand Brimob members who were noisy during the trial of the tragedy of Kanjuruhan.

Meanwhile, Brimob members gathered and shouted at the trial location, causing a situation that seemed unfavorable. In fact, the action was considered as intimidation for the public prosecutor (JPU).

"Yes, we have reprimanded the regional police chief to reprimand the members so that they can be calm. That's why it's the courtroom," General Sigit told reporters, Thursday, February 16.

However, he did not explain in detail the form of the warning given to the Brimob members. At that time, Sigit only stated that the reprimand was under the authority of the East Java Police Chief Inspector General Toni Harmanto.

"That's the police chief (who reprimanded, ed)," said Sigit.

On the previous occasion, the Judicial Commission (KY) also responded to the rowdy action of members of the Brimob Polri during the trial of the Kanjuruhan tragedy. This is considered very influential on the nuances of judge independence.

"This happened at the trial location which ultimately affected the nuances of judge and judicial independence," said member of the Judicial Commission as well as Head of Human Resources, Advocacy, Law, Research, and Development Division Binziad Kadafi.

KY himself has traced the noise in the form of chants and screams directed by Brimob personnel to the public prosecutor (JPU) and not judges.

However, the attitude and behavior of Brimob personnel is considered to have an effect on the nuances of judge and judicial independence.

Kadafi continued, the independence of judges and courts was closely related to security guarantees. Meanwhile, in that incident, the actions were carried out by police personnel who should be the main actors providing security guarantees for judges and courts.

"The Judicial Commission will communicate with the Indonesian Police specifically regarding this incident," he said.

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