JAKARTA - The Regional Office of the Ministry of Religion of Lampung hopes that the public or pilgrims can receive the figure of Rp49.8 million for Hajj costs decided by the government.

"The cost of Hajj has been decided, we hope everyone can accept it because it is a common ground and the government and the House of Representatives (DPR)," said Head of the Lampung Ministry of Religion Regional Office Puji Raharjo, in Bandarlampung, Thursday, February 16, as reported by Antara.

According to him, the amount of the hajj costs that have been decided is not without calculation. Members of the DPR and the Ministry of Religion have re-analyzed the costs borne and so on.

"I think we all have to accept this decision, because indeed all parties want and have fought for their people. Rest assured that this decision is the best for all of us," he said.

However, as soon as he said the Lampung Ministry of Religion still did not know whether the pilgrims who had paid the hajj financing in 2020 and their departures were delayed due to COVID-19, there would be additional costs or not.

"Whether the pilgrims who are paid off for the postponement are subject to additional or not, we don't know yet and are still waiting for further directions from the central government," he said.

He said that this year's Lampung hajj quota was 6,985 pilgrims, of which around 3,327 were prioritized to those who had paid the hajj but had their departures delayed due to the COVID-19 pandemic.

"Then 3,305 seats for pilgrims who have entered this year, as well as the quota of people with elderly (elderly) 5 percent or around 335 people," he said.

Commission VIII of the House of Representatives and the Ministry of Religion (Kemenag) have agreed on the 1444H/2023M Hajj Implementation Fee (BPIH) for regular pilgrims of IDR 90,050,637.26 per congregation.

Both announced the Hajj Travel Fee (Bipih), which must be paid by the congregation is IDR 49,812,700.26 or 55.3 percent. Meanwhile, the remaining cost is IDR 40,237,937 or 44.7 percent charged to the value of benefits or BPKH.

Minister of Religion (Menag) Yaqut Cholil Qoumas, said that the IDR 49.8 million that must be paid by prospective pilgrims in 2023 is the best number after the DPR and the government work hard to reduce the cost component. This is done so that this year's Hajj costs are not too burdensome for the congregation.

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