JAKARTA - Vice President Ma'ruf Amin took the time to plant new limestone tree seeds in the courtyard of the Raya Barus Mosque, Central Tapanuli, North Sumatra after attending the "Justs Bersholawat for Indonesia" event.

Based on a press release received in Jakarta, Wednesday, February 15, tree seedlings were planted 850 meters from Merdeka Barus Square, where the event "Just Bersholawat for Indonesia" was held.

The Barus Cretaceous Tree also known as the campaigner is a typical Indonesian plant that usually grows in several areas, such as Aceh, Kalimantan, and North Sumatra.

For information, around the 2nd century AD, baris lime has become an important object of world trade.

The high demand for foreign traders in new lime in the past was evident from the presence of the Tamil inscription found in Lobu Tua Village, Andam Dewi District, Central Tapanuli, North Sumatra, in 1873.

Starting from the 4th to 10th century AD, the Barus area, North Sumatra became a world trapping commodity trading center, from China to the Central Sea region including Indochina, Southeast Asia, India, Sumatra, the Middle East, and even Africa.

Kapur barus in historical records is said to be a very high-value item, so it is able to attract the attention of many people in European and Middle Eastern regions to come to the Barus area in the Land of Sumatra, reported by Antara.

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