PANGKALAN BUN - Meteorology, Climatology, Geophysics Agency (BMKG) Class III Meteorological Station Iskandar Pangkalan Bun, West Kotawaringin, Central Kalimantan, appealed to the head of the community in this region to be aware of light rain and strong winds in the next week. "For the West and surrounding Kotawaringin areas, the potential for light to moderate rain will be accompanied by strong winds in the next week from February 13-19," said Head of Pangkalan Class III Meteorological Station, Bun Aqil Ihsan at Pangkalan Bun, Antara, Wednesday, February 15. He said, before it rains, strong winds are usually marked. Meanwhile, the potential for light to moderate rain occurs in the afternoon to evening. It is said, the potential for strong winds to occur and accompanied by light to moderate rain, so residents must be more vigilant away from trees or objects that have the potential to collapse such as billboards, and others when it rains. "For coastal areas, high waves are expected to occur starting at 07.00 WIB with a wave height of 1.5-2.5 meters," said Aqil. For high waves themselves, it is sufficient that what occurs in the western part of Central Kalimantan itself is dangerous for fishermen and other medium-sized vessels. "For atmospheric disturbances due to cyclones and rossby waves and kelvin areas of Kobar and its surroundings, it is still safe, mas, but later we will continue to update the latest information about the weather," he said. Meanwhile, the Head of the Regional Disaster Management Agency (BPBD) Kobar Syahruni said that his party had cleaned several trees that could potentially collapse on several protocol roads to avoid accidents during rain and heavy winds. "We continue to coordinate with the BMKG, and we have carried out several anticipations in handling disasters and changing seasons," said Syahruni.

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