JAKARTA - The inactive Supreme Court Judge Sudrajad Dimyati was charged with receiving 200 thousand Singapore dollars. The indictment was read out at the Corruption Court at the Bandung District Court (PN) today, Wednesday, February 15. "Has committed or participated in committing an act, receiving a gift or promise, namely receiving a gift in the form of a total of 200 thousand Singapore dollars," was quoted as saying from the indictment read by the public prosecutor (JPU). The money was given to influence the decision of the case in the Civil Chamber of the Supreme Court (MA). The money givers are lawyers for Theodorus Yosep Parera and Eko Suparno as well as two debtors of the Savings and Loans Cooperatives Heryanto Tanaka and Ivan Dwi Kusuma Sujanto. The purpose of giving the money is to take care of the case handled by Sudrajad, namely the peace issue related to the deposit of the Intidana Savings and Loans Cooperative (KSP) number 874 K/Pdt.Sus-Pailit/2022. The 200 thousand Singapore dollars were given to the Judicial Judge at MA Elly Tri Pangestuti to Sudrajad which was then distributed. The details of the distribution are Singapore dollars 25 thousand for Deasy; 80 thousand Singapore dollars for Sudrajad; and Elly who is a Judicial Judge gets 10 thousand Singapore dollars. This division is done at the MA Office. The money given to Sudrajad was put into an envelope placed in a pink goodie bag. For his actions, Sudrajad was suspected of violating Article 12 letter c Jo. Article 18 of Law Number 31 of 1999 concerning Eradication of Criminal Acts of Corruption as amended by Law Number 20 of 2001 concerning Amendments to Law Number 31 of 1999 concerning Eradication of Criminal Acts of Corruption Jo. Article 55 paragraph (1) 1st of the Criminal Code.

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